Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Two weeks down, ten to go!

This is a shadow from a bench in the atrium of the AMEDD Center & School, showing our motto.

Apparently there are a lot of princesses in San Antonio.


 Princesses require lighting on the trees as well.

Went to a nice Tex-Mex place last weekend called Ácenar. 

 They had some very nice looking outdoor seating.  The restaurant is right on the river walk, so there's water right down below the veranda.

Inside was nice too.

The Alamo!  Smaller than you think, especially amongst the other buildings in San Antonio.  It's right downtown!

 Our class advisor wanted us all to run the 5 miles to the Alamo together (the first of what she hopes is a recurring event).  It was something I was dreading, since I've never run more than about 3 miles at any time.  And considering the whole knee surgery, stupid leg thing I've got going, I didn't think it would go well.  But I finished!  And I only stopped when the rest of the group stopped as well, so it was a big accomplishment for me!  Also, we started just after 5:30am, so it was early and around 50 degrees.  Perfect for running.  Our reward was Denny's for breakfast, with our class advisor footing the bill.  And while this was better than I thought, I'd say the Army hasn't quite made a runner out of me yet... :)
(Our class advisor is on the front left, and the two gentlemen in the back corners are two of our awesome instructors who drove the support vehicles for us this morning.)

Choi, Ramsey and I in our ASUs, or Dress Blues.  First time we wore them was for inspection this morning, just to make sure everything was in order.

Glamour Shot?

Our class for the last 2 weeks was just 24 people from all different professions, and we've been in a pre-BOLC class (Basic Officer Leader Course) offered to new officers by AMEDD (Army Medical Department).  Tomorrow we'll be joined by about another 120 or so students to do the real class, learning all kinds of Army stuff.  I think most of the new students are ROTC guys, but there are others as well.  I just got a roommate today, too.  He's from Alabama and he's got a great accent :)


  1. I can't take you serious without a beard. I just can't. Fun times that you have a roommate now. I hope he's cool!

  2. Jon, I'm absolutely loving the "blog". Have to admit I got a little misty eyed seeing you in uniform (ACU and Blues). Have you shaved and shaped your Beret yet? I'd be more than willing to help if you need it, as I've done SEVERAL myself! Love ya bro! Er, Sir!
